Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy new year
Happy new year to everyone. I spent Christmas mostly with family and most of that time eating. Mmm, Christmas food. My mother makes the most fantastic hazelnut roast for us veggies and it wouldn't be Christmas without it.
This year I plan to submit another contemporary novel, another horror novel and my first adult novel. I also want to try and get at least one book published through print-on-demand, because it's an excellent way of getting something published that wouldn't normally get seen. I even have something that never found a publisher although I was very proud of it and it would be nice to see it in print. I'm also planning to get other authors on board an edited collection I'd like to do (still very secret so I'm not announcing the title yet.)
Revisions to Bad Blood should be finished soon and that comes out this autumn. I also want to write another Super Zeroes book, so stay tuned for more news about that.
I am also determined to escape the clutches of uk2net and remove once and for all their banner over my website. That, I think, will be new years resolution number one.
posted by Rhiannon at 12:14 pm