Thursday, November 09, 2006
*blink* Was that a year going by?
Err, yes. So this blog has become rather defunct. So defunct that I'd forgotten its very existence. But it has now been revived and brought into line with the current style.
I've spent the last few hours tweaking the css to try to work around some issues with the sidebar. Left and right floats have caused immense problems - but it's looking okay in Firefox and Safari. Tomorrow I will, no doubt, discover how hideously borken(tm) it is in IE.
This is merely a technical update. I have lots of writing news but anyone still reading will have to wait for it. Sorry about that. I will leave you with the news that I am reading David Brin for the first time. I'm not sure how this can be the case but somehow he was missed out of my sf education.
posted by Rhiannon at 11:23 pm